Monday, November 16, 2009

Ni hao Beijing

Greetings from Beijing. We are feeling much more comfortable here. I’m still not sleeping much but longer than I was able to manage in Nanchang. Beijing has changed quite a bit since we were here in 2004. It is much cleaner and the downtown feels much more upscale and prosperous. Some things have not changed, like the tourist destinations, pearl markets etc. It is wonderful to come to our hotel here and actually be able to drink the tap water. The hotel is very modern and comfortable and we have much more room. Owen really likes it here as he has room to run. We don’t stand out quite as much here because Beijing people are more used to seeing foreigners. Owen gets looks for his condition but not nearly as openly rude as we experienced in province.

Yesterday we attempted the Great Wall. Only problem was, it was bitterly cold with high winds. The kids were unable to handle the wind chill and retreated to the bottom pretty fast. Diehards like me (warmed by hormones) managed to get up to some views no problem. Oh well we tried it. As our guide says when in Beijing you pretty much have to go to The Wall. We are experiencing winter conditions here and I am very proud of self that I had the foresight to pack hats and mitts! Today we did some shopping at the Pearl Market (and so I was in my element). We travelled there by subway which was a first for me. The subway was excellent, very clean and modern. We had lunch at a local restaurant and it was very good. We’ve tried pretty much everything put on the plate and it has all been tasty.

Big sister challenges continue. As parents we are trying to be patient but it doesn’t always work. I’m hoping things will even out when we get back home to Canada. If anyone is thinking about bringing siblings on an adoption trip, feel free to call me for feedback on that topic. We are wondering now if we did the right thing by bringing her to China. We love Rae-Lynn dearly but man o man, its been a stressful week. The thing about adoption trips, they’re not vacations, they’re real work, integrating a new family member. At this point, although we are enjoying where we are, we are looking forward to getting home and getting everyone back into a stable routine. And having a proper cup of tea (although I did find Starbucks today and it was very good). And petting the cat :-D. Meanwhile, we have 2 more full days that are packed with goodies. Tomorrow we are off to Tienamen Square and forbidden city, and I am taking Rae-Lynn to see the Chinese acrobats in the evening (leaving Dad and son back at the hotel while we have some girl time). Wednesday, finishing up the shopping and then a Peking duck dinner. Then packing, then back on home.

Some Nanchang pics

Nanchang, Friday

Today is our last day in Nanchang. We are very glad! Temps are all over the place here. We started the week at 30 c, ended it at almost zero c. Midstream we also ended up changing hotel rooms because of the cockroaches (after Owen tried to catch one of them, it was time to move). Our room is small, we are not used to sleeping together in one room, and everyone is sleep deprived and tempers are wearing thin. Much as I am grateful to Jiangxi for producing my 2 lovely children, I am ready to get on the plane back to Beijing. Big sister Rae-Lynn is acting up to get our attention and we have had just about enough of it.

On the bright side, we have visited some local restaurants and the food has been just excellent. The shopping is good too, including a wacky visit to Walmart. We visited the Tang Wen (spelling anyone??) pavilion today and it was very beautiful. Owen continues to relax more every day and is a charming little man. He sleeps beautifully and we have had no problems. He only gets upset when you are late bringing him food, LOL.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thursday, Nanchang

Well those aren't the most flattering photos of me I must say. The humidity in Nanchang does not agree with my constitution and I am still pretty tired. (did I mention how hot it was?) I sure look like a new mom of 2. Once we are back in Beijing I'm sure I can pose for a nicer pic for you!

My kids look great though :-D.

Today was a better day. Our guide took our travellers to visit their foster mother so we were free to roam without a schedule. We went to the Chinese walmart which is pretty cool and found some toys to keep little ones busy. The people were nicer there too so that helped. We tried Chinese kfc, also weird but not bad. Owen was pretty impressed with the french fries. The only potty option was the squatty potty, and Rae-Lynn opted to hold it until we got back to the hotel. Can't say as I blame her, I did the same :-D. Taxi drives here are wild, you think you'll die about 50 times but miraculously you arrive alive. No big plans tonight, just continuing working on the jet lag and enjoying getting to know our Owen. Tomorrow, off to the pavillion, looks beautiful from here so we'll have some more pictures to share. bye all...

Introducing Owen

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hello! Gotcha Day!

Greetings from Nanchang!

After much internet finangling, we managed to get through to blogspot. Yes, Owen is finally here!

We arrived in Nanchang on Sunday (that would be Sat 12 hours earlier for all of you) at 2:00. After racing to the bank to cash our travellers cheques, we received the call that Owen (Nian Ke) was in the lobby. So there he was, with one of the nannies from FengCheng. He was scared and not too interested in coming with us. After Rae-Lynn warmed him up a bit with some goldfish crackers, we managed to get away. The first night was a hard one with much crying, but after a bath and a good sleep, Nian Ke decided we were ok. He is accepting of all of us, but greatly prefers Dad, much to Dad's delight.

What can we tell you about Owen? Well first off, his lip repair has not been done, so it is a bit of a challenge feeding him. Messy! He is very resourceful, LOVES to eat, and has figured out how to eat and drink everything. He drinks from a cup, pees on command in the toilet (wow), and has a very infectious laugh. He loves anything remotely mechanical, cars, trucks you name it. He is a very big eater and gets very mad if you don't get him his food right away. He has a sweet tooth and love cookies. He is little bit chunky, with a toddler belly, and not much hair. He has big eyes and round cheeks and is very active. Lucky us, he sleeps all night and takes regular naps. He likes to take baths and really likes putting things in and out of cups. He mimics us alot and is very smart. Already he is figuring out some english, starting with "ta", which is not really English is it?!

His adjustment is good so far. Today he saw a picture of his foster mother and headed for the door, wanting to go home, which was heartbreaking to see. He is mostly happy and laughing but has moments of sadness and needs comforting.
As predicted, the first 3 days in China were "labour" for us. We are operating on not much sleep. Jetlag is a toughie this time, particularily on Rae-Lynn, who is having a hard time behaving on a different time zone. We flew into Beijing on Sat, slept for one night (or not, as Rae-Lynn was jumping on the bed at 2:30 am) and then had to repack and go again to Nanchang. The Gloria in Nanchang is as we remember, trying hard to be western but still very Chinese. Rooster feet in the breakfast buffet, and a cockroach or 2 appearing in the bathroom (seriously, ew). Now that all of the adoption excitement is over with, we are getting caught up on our sleep and doing our best to enjoy Nanchang. For our travel group's refer

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A message from the cat, Buddy

I'm getting a little bit worried. Last time my people put up this funny bed, they brought home a very loud scary small person.
Surely they wouldn't do that again?? Didn't they know that was a horrible idea? Aren't I baby enough for them?
It is a very comfy bed though. The bear is a nice touch......

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

2 more sleeps!

I couldn't resist posting this. This is Rae-Lynn's packing list. She is a very organized child! (unlike her mother).

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

3 more sleeps! and a big mess!

Believe it or not, I do have a packing system (note the notepad and pen in the bottom right). I'm just a bit messier getting there than most people.
Our cats are getting very nervous now that the suitcases are out. They know something is up! Ha, just wait until they meet Owen.
Can't believe we're down to the wire! It has been a tense week for us. Rae-Lynn was sick with a cough flu thing (H1N1? we'll never know) and we were very worried that she would not be able to fly to China. Thankfully she's feeling better and will be on that plane. Now if we can all keep healthy for the next 48 hours, all will be good.
Another snag, we are missing a rather important document called "the notice of coming". Can't complete our adoption without it. Apparently it was couriered to our agency in Ottawa from China yesterday, so it probably will arrive after we are gone. And then, will need to be couriered TO China to catch up with us. The efficiency there is a mystery but as long as it arrives I'm not asking anymore questions.
Things are humming along otherwise. I am almost (almost!) finished turning in my school work. Next step is cleaning the house and packing. Oh yes, and the 2 midterms that I have to write before we leave.
We are all getting excited, and nervous! We are looking forward to meeting Owen and also petrified. Me in particular. I am so used to girls, how on earth will we know what he likes to do? LOL And according to Rae-Lynn, I am in charge of the 'poop'. Oh my, its been a few years since I changed a diaper. Hopefully it will all be like riding a bike!