Friday, August 28, 2009

No letter, but pictures are coming!

Now that the temps are dropping, it is becoming very real that our Owen will be coming home soon! The weeks are flying by.

Still waiting on that letter. But, we are keeping busy. Big sister Rae-Lynn just finished camp, and we're getting ready to send her to her new school in a week's time. This weekend we'll be painting and setting up Owen's room so that we can take a pic of it to send him.

Our agency is asking the FengCheng SWI for updated pictures of Owen. Still waiting! He is only 6 months in the banner pic, and turning 18 months next week. So we are very anxious to see how he is looking today as a rough and tough toddler.

I have moments where I get busy and completely forget. Then I am out somewhere and see a cute little boy and go "oh yeah, we're getting one of those too!". :-D

Saturday, August 8, 2009


A little bit about us. We have been married for 11 years, and adopted our daughter Rae-Lynn from China in May of 2004. It was a great experience and we love Rae-Lynn very much. We always knew we would adopt again to add to our family. In 2007 we got the big adoption ball rolling once again.

Those who know us well know how challenging the first part of this journey has been, because you have supported us through it. And we love you for it. It was not easy this time around. Would we adopt from China or Canada? When? Who would it be? After alot of challenges on the Canadian side, in August of 2008 we decided enough already, China was the only route for us. We enrolled in the Waiting Children's program with our agency, Children's Bridge, and requested a young child with cleft lip/palate. And waited. And cried a few times. And then...

On June 16, we received a very important call and email from Children's Bridge.

Congratulations on the referral of your son/brother

Feng, Nianke
Date of Birth: March 3, 2008

Fengcheng CWI, Jiangxi Province

WOW. A boy. That was a very big surprise even though we didn't specify a gender. Rae-Lynn informed us that her brother's name was Owen, and that settled that. Poor monkey will have the very long label of Owen Kennedy Nian Ke Fray.

All of our paperwork is done, and now we are waiting for something called a Letter Seeking Consent from the Chinese government. We estimate this will arrive in the early fall, and we will travel closer to Christmas time. About a month after we return home with Owen, he will be having corrective surgery done at Chedoke Children's hospital in Hamilton. We met with their wonderful co-ordinator, and know that we are in good hands.

So, please join us on this journey. We have about 4 months to wait and would love the company. Please check back often for more updates.

(Lorna, Paul & Rae-Lynn)