Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pre-op visit

Owen and I spent the morning at Mac hospital yesterday, going over all of the pre-operative necessaries. I will say this, having a child with limited medical history has its downside but it definitely cuts down on the appointment times significantly (my answer to about 75% of it was 'I don't know'). We also saw the ENT doctor while we were there, who essentially looked in Owen's mouth and said "yup its a cleft". (sigh) I'm sure there was a good reason for that appointment, which has yet to reveal itself. Today we are off to Chedoke for a hearing test, which is needed before they can put in the ear tubes (for drainage).

We are told that one of us will be in the OR with Owen while they put him out. I have voted that someone will be Paul as I am not good with operating rooms at all (my own experiences being entirely too recent, thank-you very much). I will be in like Flynn for the recovery room, but do not want to be in the room where the sharp instruments are! Owen will be in the hospital for 2 nights and we will be taking shifts staying with him around the clock. Expect some sleep deprivation for sure. However, we are very excited for Owen and can't wait to see his new look!

1 comment:

  1. You are heading on such an important journey! We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers as you all prepare for Owen's surgery.
