Monday, October 26, 2009

11 more sleeps!

Wow, time has been flying by! Cannot believe it is almost that time! We have our itinerary now, if I can figure out how to put it on the side bar I'll do that now.....

1 comment:

  1. I was so glad to see you post the address to your blog on the Yahoo group! I hope you plan on posting from China!! I know access is blocked but I know people have been able to post by email or they have been emailing the posts to someone at home and that person has been updating their blog for them.

    I can’t believe that in 3 more sleeps you will be heading to pick up your precious little boy!!! I am so excited for you!! I wish I could get packed in your suitcase and go with you. Our little ones are similar…my daughter is also from Feng Cheng, has a cl/cp and is just a few weeks younger than your Owen. I wish we had been able to travel with you but our LSC took soooo long arriving. We will be traveling about a month behind you…we leave on Dec. 11 and arrive home on Dec. 24!!!! JUST in time for Christmas!

    I will be checking back for updates!!

    Smiles! :o)
    Nikki –
