Monday, January 11, 2010


Wow is all that I would've had said, but I was speechless, when I walked into recovery and saw Owen today. His surgery went so incredibly well. He is like a new person, but also something hard to explain, which is that he now looks like what he is like on the inside, and how we have seen him with our heart's eye. So very very cute. He now has a cute little nose and a cute rosebud mouth. Swelling and bruising, sure, but that will pass soon.

He is doing very well. At dinner hour he was signing that he was hungry and hoovered back some yogurt and applesauce. He doesn't like the armbands, as predicted, so my work will be cut out for me the next 2 weeks. I think they'll probably end up releasing him from the hospital, because he won't be satisified with laying in bed for too much longer. That boy wants to go go go.

I didn't want to bother him with pictures today, but I will take a few once the swelling has gone down. It truly is a miracle. When I see Dr. Strumas tomorrow I may have to kiss him LOL.


  1. Woohoo!! Congrats! Soooo happy for you all!

    Hope he has a speedy recovery and that all goes well. :)

  2. So happy to hear things went well!
